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Once scoffed at, new age medicines are gaining in popularity as people seek alternatives to prescription drugs. Acupuncture, meditation, cupping, chiropractic, and massage even have the attention of medical professionals. Massage, in particular, has been found to have many benefits.
You have probably heard of the physical benefits of massage. Increased flexibility, muscle and joint pain relief, increased circulation, boosted immune system, and relief of digestive problems are among the most well known benefits. Massages also increase production of lymphocytes, which are known to fight off cancer. In premature babies, it was found to encourage healthy weight gain. Yet with all of this knowledge of the physiological effects, the psychological effects of massage therapy are often overlooked.
Human touch has been found to be extremely beneficial for development in children and coping in adults. The simple act of holding hands in couples has been proven to reduce anxiety and provide a sense of security. These same reactions are induced during a massage. The endocrine, lymphatic, and nervous systems are all influenced by massage and the effects are evident.

Anxiety can be caused by any number of factors including marriage, work, children, or social stresses. A study conducted within a hospital’s psychiatric unit, found that massage reduced cortisol (stress hormone) production and reduced blood pressure, but most notably made the patients actually feel calmer. It was even found to be an effective method to de-escalate a stressful situation and to reduce aggressive behavior. The same chemical and physical reactions occurred in anyone suffering from anxiety. This can include new or expectant mothers, cancer patients, adolescents, and rehabilitation patients.
The same chemical reactions have proven beneficial in individuals suffering from depression. Those undergoing a massage also show increased levels of dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals found in your brain are associated with feelings of joy and happiness, so increased production can alter the mood of a depressed person. Massage has been proven to reduce depression for patients suffering from fibromyalgia, cancer, HIV, young mothers, and those in chronic pain, amongst others.
The relaxing benefits of massage have been proven to increase restful sleep. Increased production of endorphins and serotonin also improve one’s ability to sleep. Serotonin is processed by the pineal gland to produce melatonin, the hormone in our brains that is directly related to sleep. A back rub or foot rub are ideal areas to massage to encourage sleep. The added benefit of cortisol reduction also aids in sleep. Some people have been so relaxed by massages that they’ve actually fallen asleep during the massage.
Headaches are often caused by tight muscles and increased stress levels. Massage alleviates both of those causes. A reduction in cortisol and reduced blood pressure can allow blood to flow freely to the brain, which can reduce the effects of a headache. Often, you may see people rub their temples or the bridge of their nose in an attempt to relieve a headache. This is effective but the massage does not need to be limited to the cranial region. There are a series of pressure points located throughout the body that can be massaged to reduce headaches as well as other ailments.
Even a short massage can aid in alertness. A study conducted in 1996, found that a massage increased brain wave activity and allowed for improved cognitive ability. Some members of the study were asked to complete a series of math problems after a 45 minute massage. Those who were given a massage first showed increased speed and accuracy. Control subjects who did not receive a massage showed no enhanced ability.
Massage may not be the solution to all of the world’s problems but the physical and psychological benefits are apparent. The benefits of touch are improved and altered by including your other senses. Vendors like even offer aromatherapy supplies so you can improve the overall experience.
Massage is available in different varieties such as shiatsu, deep tissue, and hot stone massage. Different ailments can be treated based on the variety of massage. Some therapists specialize in one particular style but many are capable of practicing several varieties.

World Of Female Copyright © 2015.


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