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Finding the right doctor is important. This is true no matter what type of doctor you need. It is particularly true, given the intensely personal and intimate nature of the exams, when you’re trying to find a gynecologist. In this article we are going to teach you how to make sure you find the right doctor for your needs.

What Are Your Goals

If your primary goal right now is a “simple” well woman exam, you might be able to get this from your regular doctor. If you’re hoping to get pregnant soon or you’re worried about fertility issues or menopause, though, you’ll want to start searching for someone who can walk you through the entire process.

What Qualities Do You Want in Your Doctor?

Make a list of the type of qualities you want your doctor to possess. For example, do you want someone who is warmer and will coddle you and sugar coat things a little bit or are you more comfortable with doctors who stick only to the facts and tell them to you straight? Do you prefer a female doctor? Many women do. Do you want someone your own age? Older? Would you feel comfortable with someone younger? Do you want your doctor to subscribe to any particular philosophy? This isn’t something you usually have to think about with other types of doctors, but it can be very important when it comes to discussing reproductive rights and options.

Talk to Your Regular Doctor

The first person you should talk to, when you’re ready to start searching for a gynecologist or reproductive specialist, is your general practitioner. Yep, even if your insurance doesn’t require you to get the referral, it’s good to check in with your GP. Your GP already knows you and is familiar with your medical history and personal situations. He or she will be able to help you find a doctor who can help you with your goals and who will work well with you on a personal level. Even if he or she doesn’t know anybody out of hand, they might be able to track down a good referral or two for you.

Talk to Your Friends

Your friends know you. They also will likely be far more candid with you than your GP (who has to worry about reputation protection) about who is good and who isn’t. Friends are a great source of dirt–you’ll likely find out more about which gynecologists you should avoid than which ones are good.


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